Results of the Deree Tennis Academy in the E3 Open Tournament in Rafina and in the Tennis Europe in Veroia!

The Deree Tennis Academy successfully participated in the E3 Open tennis tournament, held in Rafina, on September 8-11.

Congratulations to Alexandros Verykokos, who won the 2nd place in singles, achieving four wins until the final, while Efthalia Andrianou and Melina Papageorgiou won the 3rd place, reaching the semi-finals.

At the Tennis Europe tournament, Antonis Malavazos and Konstantinos Papanastasiou won the 3rd place in doubles, while in doubles Antonis reached the quarterfinals.

Congratulations to all for their participation and effort.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Γραβιάς 6, Αγία Παρασκευή
DEREE College Athletic Club