Summer Camp

2024 Pierce Summer Camp

School is out, let the Summer Camp begin!

5 weeks, June 17 – July 19, 2024
Monday – Friday (09:00 – 17:00), arrival at camp 08:15-08:45

Summer Camp – Summer Fun since 1987!

Registration opens on April 15, 2024

For children 6-13 years old (born 2018 / Grade 1 next September – 2011/ Grade 8 next September).

At  the section “Registration and Forms” you may find information about the program and registration.

Registration is online only!

Take a virtual tour of our facilities HERE

“A Sound Mind in a Sound Body”

The American College of Greece has a long tradition of excellence in the field of education in Greece. The Summer Camp, offered by the Deree College Athletic Club, is a part of this tradition and has provided an unparalleled experience for thousands of children; an experience which stems from a rich and balanced athletic, educational, and cultural program, which actively supports the philosophy of Pierce, inspired by the ancient Greek dictum “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body”.

The Summer Camp aims to develop the athletic and artistic skills of children 6 (going to grade 1 next September) – 13 years old (going to grade 8 next September), who want to spend their time creatively after the school year has ended. The children are divided into groups according to their age and knowledge level. The program is primarily in Greek but the English language is also used by the instructors.


  • Phone: 210 600 9800, ext. 1319, 1345 (Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00)
  • Email: [email protected]

Registration and Forms

Below you may register, find the brochure, and all online downloadable forms and information needed:

  • Register Online: HERE (Users from last year, select “Login” and use their existing “Username” and “Password”. New users select “Summer Camp” and create a new account with their own “Username” and “Password” by completing the registration form)

Registration is online only, and is finalized once the required payment process has been completed.

  • Find the Summer Camp Brochure HERE
  • Find the Bus Routes HERE
  • Find the Medical Report Form HERE
  • Find the Terms of Participation HERE
  • Find the Menu HERE
  • Find the Course Descriptions HERE
  • Find the F.A.Q.s HERE

Summer Camp Facilities

All Summer Camp activities take place on The American College of Greece campus in Aghia Paraskevi.

The athletic facilities are of international standard and scope. They include:

  • a 50-meter Olympic-sized swimming pool
  • four indoor basketball courts
  • six tennis courts
  • three dance studios
  • soccer field surfaced with synthetic turf and organic, environmentally friendly cork infill
  • a 6-lane track
  • outdoor basketball and volleyball courts

(*) At the end of the second and the beginning of the third week the soccer and track complex is closed due to the Commencement ceremonies and the soccer and track & field activities are moved to other College athletic facilities.

The afternoon activities rooms include:

  • smart classrooms
  • arts room
  • computer labs
  • kitchen / home economics room
  • amphitheater
  • theater


The Summer Camp is staffed by highly professional and experienced faculty and coaches and associates, primarily from Pierce and Deree, recognized for their skills and knowledge, as well as their sensitive and caring approach to children. The teachers and coaches are supported by camp counselors (a select group of Deree students) who help in the harmonious and safe operation of the program, supervising and escorting the children throughout their stay at the Summer Camp.


Arrival at camp: 08:15-08:45
  • MORNING ACTIVITIES (9:00 – 12:00)

The morning sports program aims at the development of the child’s athletic skills. Each child can participate in 2 of the following activities every week:

  1. Swimming
  2. Soccer (*)
  3. Track & field (*)
  4. Basketball
  5. Volleyball
  6. Tennis
  7. Tae-kwon-do
  8. Kids’ Pilates
  9. Hip-hop

(*) At the end of the second and the beginning of the third week the soccer and track complex is closed due to the Commencement ceremonies and the soccer and track & field activities are moved to other College athletic facilities.


In addition to sports instruction, recreational activities such as swimming, archery, climbing (written approval by the parent/guardian is required), table-tennis, and board games, are offered. Participation in recreational activities is open and always under supervision!

  • LUNCH (12:45-13:30)

Lunch is served at the Pierce cafeteria. The menu is selected by the Camp nutritionist and is designed to meet the nutritional needs of the children, with special emphasis on the selection of healthy and vitamin-rich foods.

  • AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES (13:30 – 16:30)

The afternoon program strives to develop competence in academic as well as artistic and cultural skills such as:

  1. The English language
  2. Computers
  3. Robotics
  4. Sculpture
  5. Painting
  6. Drama
  7. Cooking
  8. Comic art
  9. Magic art
  10. Singing

You may select two (2) morning and two (2) afternoon activities every week, but not the same activity twice.

Children are divided according to age and skill level.

If there is a serious reason, changing an activity is accepted for the upcoming week(s) only, provided there are available positions. Changes are made only through the website and the profile that you had created during the registration, up to Friday noon (12:00) of the week before the one that you wish to make the change.

Transportation Service

Bus cost:  per week

Standard routes and stops cover the greatest possible part of the Attica Basin safely and on time! Experienced escort in every route.

(Use of morning- or afternoon-only routes is charged 75% of the total cost)

Cancellations will be accepted up to 10 days prior to the corresponding week and 80% of the deposited amount will be refunded. After this time, there will be no refunds.

Participation fees and payment methods


  • 1 Week       … €
  • 2 Weeks     … €
  • 3 Weeks     … €
  • 4 Weeks     … €
  • 5 Weeks     … €

(10% discount for each additional family member / No discount on Bus Service)

Cancellations will be accepted up to 10 days prior to the corresponding week and 80% of the deposited amount will be refunded. After this time, there will be no refunds.

The fees cover:

  • Tuition
  • Lunch and two snacks daily
  • Welcome package (T-shirt, backpack, and hat)

Methods of payment:

  • Online during registration.


Pierce Summer Camp is run by the Deree College Athletic Club.

DEREE College Athletic Club