Thank you for your interest in vacant positions at the Deree College Athletic Club.
The Deree College Athletic Club (DCAC) wishes to hire and integrate into its community personnel individuals of high-level education and performance who are dedicated to giving and who have a high sense of responsibility towards children.
Candidates’ applications for work are judged based on qualifications for the given position, experience, personal skills and abilities, as well as performance at interviews and work trials and are treated in an unbiased way.
The Deree College Athletic Club is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, color, race, nationality, ethnicity, faith, disability, sex, marital status, or sexual orientation. The DCAC strives to maximize valuable talent and potential, and eliminate unconscious bias, prejudice and stereotyping in the workplace.
If interested in applying for a position at the Deree College Athletic Club, applicants should submit online the application form (see below), a CV, cover letter and contact information (name, e-mail address, telephone number) for at least three persons who can provide a professional reference.
All available positions at the Deree College Athletic Club are announced on the Greek page.
Position: Thank you for your interest – see available positions on the Greek page. If you wish, you may complete the application form and choose “Future Positions”.