1st place in Boys-Girls, Boys, Girls, 3 trophies and 36 medals for the DSWA in the “Winter Championship of Southern Greece”!

The Deree Swim Academy successfully participated with 43 athletes in the “Winter Championship of Southern Greece for Boys – Girls, Teens – Juniors”, held on February 16-18 at OAKA.

The Deree College Athletic Club won the championship in the Boys – Girls, Boys, Girls categories, 3 new trophies, and 36 medals in total!

Worth mentioning were the placings in the finals with 32 different athletes, the personal records, and the 1,225 points (993 Boys-Girls+232 Teenagers-Teens) that the DCAC collected in total.

Congratulations to all athletes and their coaches!


Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Γραβιάς 6, Αγία Παρασκευή
DEREE College Athletic Club