D.C.A.C. Swimmers Selected for the U18 Greek Pre-national Team and for the Elite Swim Team

The Hellenic Swimming Federation (K.O.E.) announced the list of athletes of the 2014-15 (U18) pre-national swim team, and the list of athletes that will participate in the elite team. The DEREE Swimming Club is being represented by Lefteris Manolarakis (1999) and Xanthi Mitsakou (1999) in the pre-national teens (U18) team. Thereby, both athletes redeem in the best way the excellent performance they had last season.

Furthermore, in the Elite program of the Hellenic Swimming Federation, the following athletes will represent D.C.A.C.: Kaprinis Apostolos (2000), Mitsakou Zoe (2001), Sarasiti Chrysanthi (2002) and Mitsakou Chrysoula (2003).

Xanthi Mitsakou, Zoe Mitsakou and Chrysanthi Sarasiti are PIERCE students with a swimming scholarship.

Congratulations to our athletes and coaches!

DEREE College Athletic Club