The American College of Greece and the Deree College Athletic Club are not liable for any damage of property or personal injury resulting from negligent, reckless or irresponsible use of their grounds and facilities and/or a participant’s negligent, reckless or irresponsible conduct within their grounds. The American College of Greece and the Deree College Athletic Club are not liable for any damages to vehicles of participants while they are parked on its premises. The American College of Greece and the Deree College Athletic Club are not liable for any loss of personal property or valuables that the participants choose to bring with them. The Deree College Athletic Club reserves the right to refuse registration on its programs, as well as the right to terminate registration at will and without prior notice. I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct, and that I have read and agree to the aforementioned terms and the “Rules and Regulations” of the program, which are found on www.dcac.gr.

Rules of participation

  1. The subscription is personal, non-refundable and non-transferable.
  2. In order to register in the Deree Sports Academy, members must provide:
    a) the necessary MEDICAL CERTIFICATES (recent, issued within the previous three months),
    b) a recent photo (up to 2MB).
  3. Participation in practices is not allowed until the submission of the medical certificates.
  4. Registration in the program is for the academic year, and is paid either in one, or in monthly installments.
    The monthly installment is paid in advance, and according to the following schedule:
    * Until July 19, or upon registration: September’s installment
    * Sep. 25-30: October’s installment
    * Oct. 25-31: November’s subscription
    * Nov. 25-30: December’s installment
    * Dec. 25-31: January’s installment
    * Jan. 25-31: February’s installment
    * Feb. 23-28: March’s installment
    * Mar. 25-31: April’s installment
    * Apr. 25-30: May’s and June’s (programs ending June 15) installment
    * May 25-30: June’s (programs ending June 30) and July’s installment
    If an installment is not paid within the mentioned period, the position may be given to another
  5. In case you would like to cancel your subscription, you have the right to do so in writing by using the DISCONTINUATION OF ATTENDANCE ONLINE FORM until the 25th of the current month, in order not to be charged for the following month or months. Failing to do so will result in charges until the receipt of your written notification.
  6. There is a 50€ fee for re-registration after discontinuation in the same academic year (September-July), and only if there are available positions.
  7. Participation in practices is not permitted to members with pending fees.
  8. A valid ACG ID card is required in order to access to the athletic facilities and participate in practices. In case lost, there is a 10€ card reissuance cost.
  9. The DCAC has the right to cancel the subscription of a member with pending fees and give the position to another member. In this case, the balance due remains.
  10. Attendance to practices is not linked with the obligation of payment.
  11.  If the registration takes place during the second half of the month, there will be a half-month payment. This cannot happen for any other reason.
  12. Participation in fewer practices does not result in a fee change.
  13. Payments are for a calendar month and not a for a 30-day period.
  14. Participation with the same subscription in two different sports is not possible.
  15. A receipt is issued immediately after payment.
  16. Members should always carry their membership ID card with them, and follow the instructions of the security staff and DCAC personnel.
  17. Minors should have an “exit permission” in order to exit the College unaccompanied.
  18. Athletes participate in practices, games and events only in DCAC uniforms and athletic apparel (Sports Kit).
  19. The cost for game uniforms and the athletic ID for participation in games is paid by the athletes.
  20. Any athlete is free to transfer to another club after a written request by the parent/guardian, provided they have no outstanding balance, and only at the end of the games season.
    The DCAC will never ask for a transfer fee for any athlete.
  21. Athletes, parents, and guests must behave politely and follow the instructions of ACG staff, and DCAC staff and coaches. Failing to do so, may result to cancellation of the membership.
  22. Use of the athletic facilities is only permitted during practices hours.
  23. Parents and guests are not allowed to attend practices and remain in the athletic facility.
  24. During games, parents and guests are not allowed on the field/court and must remain at the stands at all times.
  25. We love pets, but they are not allowed on campus. Properly trained guide/service dogs are permitted upon presentation of the necessary certificates and documents.
  26. Adults are not allowed in the minors’ locker rooms.
    In the swimming pool locker rooms only, and in order to assist the necessary showering and dressing of young children, the following apply:
    • Locker room 1 / Girls-1: Girls (4-5-6 years old) or girls (4-5-6 years old) accompanied by the mother.
    • Locker room 2 / Boys-1: Boys (4-5-6 years old) or boys (4-5-6 years old accompanied by mother or father.
    • Locker room 3 / Boys-2: Boys aged 7 and older.
    • Locker Room 4 / Girls-2: Girls aged 7 and older.
    • All Gender Locker Room / Use by all genders, and girls accompanied by the father.
  27. Keep your personal belongings locked, and/or under surveillance at all times.
  28. The DCAC and The American College of Greece assume no responsibility for any damage or loss of personal belongings.
  29. Practices schedule is subject to change after prior notification.
  30. The DCAC holds the right to revise and change the rules and regulations of the program without prior notice, but an update will follow.


Rules of participation


  1. Membership is personal, non-refundable and non-transferable.
  2. A valid ACG/ACGF ID card is required in order to enter and use the athletic facilities. In case lost, there is a 10€ card re-issuance cost.
  3. In order to use the athletic facilities you must present all required medical certificates and have your ACG/ACGF ID card activated.
  4. Children of Full members under the age of 18 are only permitted on designated Children Days, accompanied and supervised at all times by their parents/guardians. Children’s Day (every Sunday / the necessary medical certificates issued within the last 3 months are required / for children over 4 years old / at the swimming pool are permitted in the water only with their parent-guardian and under their supervision and responsibility).
  5. Guests may use the ACG Athletic Facilities if accompanied by an ACG FITNESS member and having paid the Guest Fee. The Member sponsoring the Guest is responsible for him/her while using the ACG facilities.
  6. Members and Guests should carry – and present when asked – their Membership Card/Guest Pass at all times when using the facilities.
  7.  Members are required to check-in / check-out the membership card for each visit at designated areas.
  8. Vehicle entrance to the College is allowed with an ACG Fitness parking sticker only. There is Parking availability M-F 16:30-22:00, Sat & Sun during hours of operation.
  9. All members should strictly follow instructions from the security personnel on duty at the main gate.
  10. Maximum driving speed on campus grounds is 20km. Please drive carefully.
  11. Only ACG Fitness personnel are allowed to provide instructional services and advice.
  12. All participants are to comply with ACG Fitness staff directives regarding enforcement of policies related to safety, programming, exercise techniques and policies.
  13. Smoking (electronic cigarettes included), gum chewing, drinking alcohol and chewing tobacco are not permitted in the American College of Greece.
  14. Βicycles, and scooters are not allowed anywhere in the Athletic Facilities or on the patio.
  15. We love pets, but they are not allowed on campus. Properly trained guide/service dogs are permitted upon presentation of the necessary certificates and documents.
  16. Photo shooting of the facilities is not permitted, unless a written permission is given.
  17. Any formal problems, questions, or concerns regarding ACG Fitness should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. Please clearly indicate the issue being addressed, and be sure to include your name and phone number. All e-mails will be carefully reviewed.
  18. The Office of Athletics reserves the right to review and change the Rules and Regulations at their discretion.


Use of the Fitness Center is under the following guidelines:

  1. Appropriate athletic apparel and shoes (with non-marking soles) are required.
  2. During busy times, or whenever someone is waiting for a machine, observe the 30-minute time limit on all cardiovascular equipment.
  3. Individuals are responsible for checking equipment prior to each use. Please report immediately to ACG Fitness staff any damaged or malfunctioning equipment.
  4. Members are required to bring their own towels for both personal hygiene and the hygiene of others.
  5. Members are required to wipe down all equipment after each use.
  6. No stepping on the mats with or without shoes.
  7. Spotter must be present when bench pressing. Fitness staff members are NOT allowed to spot for patrons.
  8. Slamming or dropping weights is prohibited.
  9. Heavy Olympic-style lifts (cleans, snatches, jerks), heavy dead-lifts, calisthenics and medicine ball throws and slams are NOT PERMITTED, due to space limitations, flooring, and safety concerns. Only bumper plates may be used for dead-lifts.
  10. All dumbbells, weights and weight plates must remain in designated areas and re-racked after use.
  11. Personal training other than that which is scheduled through the Athletics Office is strictly prohibited.

Use of the Swimming Pool is under the following guidelines:

  1. A shower is required before entering the pool.
  2. Persons with open sores or any infections are not permitted in the pool area.
  3. No Band-Aids.
  4. No running or pushing on the decks or in the locker rooms.
  5. No dunking, splashing, jumping off shoulders or other horseplay.
  6. Glass bottles or containers are not to be used in the dressing rooms or pool area.
  7. Do not hang on life lines or racing lines.
  8. Do not talk to the lifeguards on duty unless in an emergency.
  9. Persons in street clothes are not allowed on the pool deck.
  10. Appropriate bathing suits must be worn.
  11. No artificial floating devices (bubbles, backboards, etc.) are allowed in the pool except during specific programs.
  12. All pool users must wear bathing caps.
  13. Positively no swimming if a lifeguard is not on duty.

Use of the Soccer and Track & Field complex is under the following guidelines:

  1. Only shoes with plastic cleats are allowed on the soccer pitch.
  2. Only sneakers or track shoes allowed on the track.
  3. Appropriate exercise attire is required at all times.
  4. No food or drinks; fluid replacements in plastic containers are allowed.
  5. No chewing gum or tobacco products.
  6. Please place all trash in the appropriate receptacles.
  7. Use only under authorized supervision.
  8. Non-sport/activity participants must remain in the stands or outside the fence.
  9. Use of facility is at own risk.

Use of the DEREE Gym is under the following guidelines:

  1. Proper conduct and good sportsmanship are expected at all times.
  2. Appropriate exercise attire and shoes (with non-marking soles) are required at all times.
  3. Hanging on the net or rim is prohibited
  4. Personal belongings must be kept in a locker.
  5. Food, chewing gum and drinks are prohibited. Water must be in taped bottle or in unbreakable container.

Use of the Tennis courts is under the following guidelines:

  1. Only sneakers or tennis shoes allowed on the courts
  2. Appropriate exercise attire is required at all times.
  3. No food or drinks. Only fluid replacements in plastic containers are allowed
  4. No chewing gum or tobacco products
  5. Please place all trash in the appropriate receptacles
  6. Non-sport/activity participants must remain outside the fence
  7. Register at the Deree Gym reception in order to use a court (a valid ACG, DCAC ID card is needed)
  8. Use of facility is at own risk

Helpful hints for Sauna use:

  1. A valid ACG/ACGF ID card is required in order to use the sauna.
  2. Always inform the Front Desk before entering the Sauna.
  3. Shower before entering the sauna.
  4. Any persons with open sores, bandaged wounds or any skin or communicable disease are prohibited from using the sauna. If you have a bandage on a minor cut, dispose of it before entering the sauna.
  5. No children under the age of 18 are allowed use of the sauna.
  6. The use of oils and body lotions is prohibited.
  7. Users must sit or lie on towels.

Lockers are available for all participants based on availability and under the following

  1. All lockers are day-use only.
  2. All people must empty their locker after facility use. The College, otherwise reserves the right to remove any lock and send the belongings to the “Lost & Found” office or the Deree Gym Equipment Room without prior notice. ACG staff reserves the right to check lockers during the day for unreturned equipment and known safety issues. Patrons will be notified should this occur.
  3. Lockers are available for single visit use and during your work-out only.
  4. Bring your own lock.
  5. All people using the Athletic Facilities are urged to properly secure their personal belongings.
  6. The Office of Athletics is not responsible for stolen, lost or damaged personal property.
  7. Locker-room closing time is fifteen (15) minutes after facility closing. All locks must be removed and lockers must be emptied by that time.
  8. All lockers are the property of ACG


  1. All members must submit a doctor’s certificate that verifies you are healthy and fit to exercise without restriction.
  2. To register, you must submit a recent medical certificate (issued within the last 3 months) declaring that you are healthy and fit to exercise without restrictions, and you do not suffer from any skin diseases.
  3. The students, faculty and staff of The American College of Greece should submit a doctor’s certificate that verifies you are healthy and fit to exercise without restriction, and you do not suffer from any skin diseases.
  4. The health certificate should be submitted annually, and will be valid September 1 through August 31.
  5. Health certificates that are signed by the doctor more than 3 months prior to the date of submission will not be accepted.
  6. All members and guests absolve the College, and ACG Fitness personnel from liability claims in case of injury or death.

* Each member enrolled in the ACG FITNESS program fully recognizes that the activities of the College have priority, and that all programs and activities are scheduled according to the College calendar.

* If any member violates any rule or regulation or behaves in an inappropriate
way they will be subject to the following procedure:
a. Verbal warning.
b. Written warning.
c. Third offense will result in the membership being revoked without

DEREE College Athletic Club