Notification And Consent For The Processing Of Personal Data


The Deree College Athletic Club (called herein as “Data Controller” or “the Club”) hereby informs you that it collects, processes and stores, in electronic or paper form, your personal data (especially the following: member’s full name or, in case of children, parents’ full names, identity card number, date of birth, address, contact details, profession, VAT, car registration plate, ACG Affiliation, health data, photo for ID Card, VAT of financial responsible person, payment details), according to the provisions of the applicable legislation on personal data, namely today the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (“General Data Protection Regulation”), as in effect from time to time (called herein as “the Personal Data Legislation”), and according to the specific terms and conditions set below:

The Club collects, stores and processes the above personal data solely for the purpose of registration and participation to ACG Fitness Athletic Programs, the performance of our contract and the protection of the members’ health. The legal basis of the above processing is your written consent granted hereby, the fact that the processing of the above data is necessary for the performance of our contract, and in case of a child the serving of the legitimate interest of the Club for communication with the parents or legal guardian for reasons concerning the member. Especially in relation to health data, the legal basis of the processing is, on one hand, your written consent granted hereby, and on the other hand the fact that the processing is necessary for the protection of health and life of the members, in case there is an emergency, for the provision of medical services, as well as for the performance of any obligations of the Club in the field of social security.

The above personal data will be accessible and processed by authorized employees of the Club, who will process the personal data solely for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, and by no means for their own benefit. Furthermore, some of the above personal data will be accessible and processed, within the framework of their responsibilities, by authorized associates of the relevant departments of The American College of Greece, which provides administrative support services to the Club, as well as to external associates (indicatively external accountant) for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes.

The Club will keep and process the above personal data for as long as it is required for the serving of the aforementioned purposes of processing and for as long as it is required in order to comply with its legal obligations and to defend itself against any legal claims. After the above time period, the Club will proceed to the definite deletion of the above personal data.

Subject to the exceptions, conditions and limitations provided by the Personal Data Legislation, you can exercise your right of access, rectification, restriction of processing, objection, erasure of the above personal data, as well as the right to data portability. In case you exercise one of the aforementioned rights, the Club will take any possible measure for the prompt satisfaction of your request, according to the specific provisions and conditions of the Personal Data Legislation, and shall inform you in writing regarding the satisfaction of your request, or for the reasons that prevent the exercise of the right by you or the satisfaction of one or more of the aforementioned rights according to the Personal Data Legislation.

In addition, you may at any time withdraw your present consent, without although affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal nor any processing based on any other legal basis. We inform you that in case of withdrawal of your consent, we may not be able to use the above personal data and your participation to ACG Fitness Athletic Programs may not be possible.

Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, in case you consider that the processing of your personal data is against the applicable legislation.

If you have any queries in relation to the protection of your personal data or you wish to exercise your legal rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the Deree College Athletic Club by using the following contact details:

Address: 6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi, 15342

E-mail address: [email protected]



Notification And Consent For The Processing Of Personal Data


The Deree College Athletic Club (called herein as “Data Controller” or “the Club”) hereby informs you that it collects, processes and stores, in electronic or paper form, your personal data (especially the following: member’s full name, school, class, date and place of birth, health data, photo for ID Card, parents’/legal guardians’ full names, address, contact details, ACG Affiliation, financial responsible person’s full name and VAT, full names of other members of the family-members of the Club), according to the provisions of the applicable legislation on personal data, namely today the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (“General Data Protection Regulation”), as in effect from time to time (called herein as “the Personal Data Legislation”), and according to the specific terms and conditions set below:

The Club collects, stores and processes the above personal data solely for the purpose of registration and participation to Sport Academies, the performance of our contract and the protection of members’ health. The legal basis of the above processing is your written consent granted hereby, the fact that the processing of the above data is necessary for the performance of our contract, and the serving of the legitimate interest of the Club for communication with the parents/legal guardian for reasons concerning the member. Especially in relation to health data, the legal basis of the processing is, on the one hand, your written consent granted hereby, and on the other hand the fact that the processing is necessary for the protection of health and life of the members, in case there is an emergency for the provision of medical services, as well as for the performance of any obligations of the Club in the field of social security.

The above personal data will be accessible and processed by authorized employees of the Club, who will process the personal data solely for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, and by no means for their own benefit. Furthermore, some of the above personal data will be accessible and processed, within the framework of their responsibilities, by authorized associates of the relevant departments of The American College of Greece, which provides administrative support services to the Club, as well as to external associates (indicatively external accountant, provider of information system and transportation company) for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes.

The Club will keep and process the above personal data for as long as it is required for the serving of the aforementioned purposes of processing and for as long as it is required in order to comply with its legal obligations and to defend itself against any legal claims. After the above time period, the Club will proceed to the definite deletion of the above personal data.

Subject to the exceptions, conditions and limitations provided by the Personal Data Legislation, you can exercise your right of access, rectification, restriction of processing, objection, erasure of the above personal data, as well as the right to data portability. In case you exercise one of the aforementioned rights, the Club will take any possible measure for the prompt satisfaction of your request, according to the specific provisions and conditions of the Personal Data Legislation, and shall inform you in writing regarding the satisfaction of your request, or for the reasons that prevent the exercise of the right by you or the satisfaction of one or more of the aforementioned rights according to the Personal Data Legislation.

In addition, you may at any time withdraw your present consent, without although affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal nor any processing based on any other legal basis. We inform you that in case of withdrawal of your consent, we may not be able to use the above personal data and your participation to Sport Academies may not be possible.

Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, in case you consider that the processing of your personal data is against the applicable legislation.

If you have any queries in relation to the protection of your personal data or you wish to exercise your legal rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the Deree College Athletic Club by using the following contact details:

Address: 6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi, 15342

E-mail address: [email protected]

DEREE College Athletic Club